Wednesday, January 25, 2017

January   2017


What a way to start the new year with my friend, Michael Hearne being inducted into the Austin Songwriters ‘TEXAS LEGENDS HALL OF FAME’, on Jan. 12, 2017.  I must say it is very well deserved. I had the honor to be there and present to him as one of the inductees from last year.  Michael has spent his life dedicated to his guitar and passion and love for music. After spending  over 30 years in New Mexico  and becoming a musical icon there, he came back to Texas and now has one boot in Texas and one in New Mexico. I am glad to call him my friend and it’s a great pleasure to write songs and play music with him. Congratulations Michael! 

Speaking of playing music….

Michael and I and Mike Roberts closed down 2016 at Anderson Fair on New Year’s Eve with a big send off party with along with musical friends, Ken Gaines, Wayne Wilkerson, Matt Harlen and Rachel Jones. Black eyed peas were in the air and champagne flowing at the Fair. Thanks again Tim Leatherwood and all of the volunteers!

Now we’re off and running into January…. We’re back in the saddle again. We had a big show in Houston at The Mucky Duck on January 7 to a standing room only crowd! It was our first in the new year.  Thanks everyone for coming out! We had two sellout shows on Saturday and Sunday afternoon at The Olive Hill House concert series in Startzville, TX. My old Houston friends, Frank and Judy Golden, host the series in their home up near Canyon Lake and it was our 9th annual Golden House Concert celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary.  They are definitely two silver hearts! Three more years it will be their ‘Golden’s  Golden’! We will be there to celebrate number 50.


Miranda Lambert’s new album, “THE WEIGHT OF THESE WINGS”  has gone platinum. It shot to the top of Billboard Chart right out of the chute.  Go get ‘em Miranda. I’m hoping to meet her sometime this year to thank her and find out how and where she heard my song. Check out her version if you haven’t heard it! I’d put a Blue Star on that baby!! Happy New Year Miranda!!

We have more shows coming up, but the BIG ONE… the one to put on your calendar is Feb.14, “VALENTINE’S NIGHT” .  Come join us at Main Street Crossing in Tomball, TX. It is our annual Valentine show and it fills up fast, so don’t wait until it’s too late. Make your reservations now and bring your sweetheart for dinner, wine, and fine music!  LOVE… will be in the air that night. 
You will have never heard so many love songs performed in one evening,
in one place, by one band in your entire adult listening life.   It will be the Mother of all romantic shows. We hope to see you there.

January is always a little slow to get going, but it’s usually needed down time to take care of other sides of the business, such as bookings, getting tax info together, and generally making plans and mapping out goals and what we wish to accomplish in 2017.
It looks like it’s going to be a very exciting year!
I will keep you all posted as the future takes shape so stay tune for more news.

nks All,
I’ll see you soon.
